傑米史考特 / 公園長椅學說
Jamie Scott & The TownPark / Bench Theories

Jamie Scott & The TownPark - When Will I See Your Face Again

Jamie Scott & The TownPark - Standing in the rain

19歲的Jamie Scott似乎擁有一切,家庭幸福美滿、身邊除了知心好友還有青梅竹馬甜蜜相伴,更重要的是手中握著的那一只唱片合約,他的未來該是無限光明,無奈天不從人願︰簽下他的唱片公司不久就面臨合併危機,空等幾年落寞離開的他禍不單行,與心愛女友難堪分手,這一切打擊與辛酸都成為他腦袋裡首張專輯【Park Bench Theories】的創作養分。

七歲就自學吉他與鋼琴的Jamie,從父母的唱片堆裡獲得James Taylor、Stevie Wonder、Cat Stevens、Carole King、Donnie Hathaway等前輩啟蒙,音樂理所當然成為他不二志向;到十五歲才開始從電台聽流行音樂,大學期間效法Simon & Garfunkel組成二重唱在倫敦不插電演出,目前為止聽起來都很像另一個某歌手的成長故事,但在Jamie身上沒有什麼是簡單平凡。他摯愛的阿姨因病去世,遺囑裡交代一定要留一台全新鋼琴給Jamie,從此他再也沒有別的選擇,不負眾望毅然走上音樂之路。

第一張唱片約告吹後,Jamie放棄成為台前歌手而退居幕後專心創作電影配樂,在「Step Up/舞出我人生」電影原聲帶中就可見到他的歌。幾個月後發生的事實卻證明,只要是千里馬必有伯樂,而這回的伯樂貨真價實-環球旗下Polydor拍胸脯要讓全球聽到全新的Jamie Scott & The Town。25歲的他珍惜這失而復得的機會埋首創作,祭出首支民謠情歌"When Will I See Your Face Again",樸質動人的旋律在YouTube網站上四個月就有12萬人次點閱。

「愛情是這張專輯的核心,從要好到約定終身、到慘痛分手失去一切;人與人之間的誤解如何讓世界變質」,BBC形容他是Stevie Wonder遇上已故民謠才子Jeff Buckley,也有人把他與Jamiroquai富含靈性的聲線相提並論。專輯中的"Weeping Willow"描述遭深信的人輕率對待的心酸,"Changes"輕聲帶過人生不同階段的際遇起伏;"London Town"堅持在失望中仍要抱持樂觀的積極態度,也正是Jamie想要獻給你和這世界的最佳見面禮。


Jamie Scott & The TownPark官方網站

Standing in the rain

While you're talking to me
With blood on your hands
You're tired of being a stranger
Tied up in his plans
You'll cry forever and all you want to know is how you ever got here
Why ain't the loving you

Hope you just don't stop praying when the water does fall
'Cause standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry
People say your love pure one of a kind
But standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry

People say no

We all fall sometimes
Get out wide open
Thought you'd learn by now
So why you want to do this
Why you want to fall
Why you keep pretending
To make sense of it all

I hope you just don't stop praying when the water does fall
'Cause standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry
So stand up feel the light
Don't you want to see all that you've got inside
Your love pure one of a kind

But standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry
So take the chains off your world
'Cause they ain't gonna do you well
Take the lock from your heart
Open it 'cause it ain't hard
It ain't hard

Oh woman just don't stop praying when the water does fall
'Cause standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry
So stand up feel the light
Don't you want to see all that you've got inside
Your love pure one of a kind
Standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry
Said your love is one a kind
Standing in the rain ain't gonna leave you dry


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