Lily Allen在2009年2月推出了第二張個人專輯:It's Not Me, It's You。
lily allen it's not me
It's Not Me, It's You(干我屁事)
Lily Allen(莉莉艾倫)
01. Everyone's At It 每個人都沉迷其中
02. The Fear 沒在怕
03. Not Fair 不公平
04. 22 22
05. I Could Say 可以這麼說
06. Back To The Start 回到原點
07. Never Gonna Happen 永不實現
08. Fuck You 去你的
09. Who'd Have Known 誰會知道
10. Chinese 中國菜
11. Him 祂
12. He Wasn't There 他不在

01. Kabul Shit
02. Fag Hag

The Fear - Lily Allen
I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever I don't care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cuz everyone knows that's how you get famous
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
‘Cuz I'm being taken over by The Fear

Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and passing each other
But it doesn't matter cause I'm packing plastic
and that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumption
and its not my fault it's how I'm program to function
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
‘Cuz I'm being taken over by The Fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I'm killing them all on my own little mission
Now I'm not a saint but I'm not a sinner
Now everything is cool as long as I'm getting thinner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
‘Cause I'm being taken over by fear

01.Kabul Shit - Lily Allen

There's a hole in our logic
There's a hole in the sky
And one day just like magic
We're all going to die
'Cause we didn't turn the lights off
And we didn't take the bus
Even though we know we should have
Oh, silly old us

Well we should have recycled
And saved our resources
While there's still someone else's
Someone call the armed forces
And we'll blame it on terror
Also known as religion
But we shouldn't feel guilt
For protecting our children

Excuse me, sir
But is this what they call denial
Just to carry on regardless
We'll only do it for a while
We'll carry on straight down the line
Down the road to nowhere
Do you know where it is leading us
And do we even wanna go there

I don't have the answers
I don't know where we start
Start to pick up all the pieces
Of everything we've torn apart
Now, you'd think that we'd be grateful
For the fact we've got a choice
Instead we throw it back at people
Who don't even have a voice

And the teachers always told us
Told us we should love thy neighbor
And my mother always told me
Told me I should vote [new?] labor
But I don't know who to trust
And I just find it all confusing
All as useless as each other
Past the point of being amusing

Excuse me, sir
But is this what they call denial
Just to carry on regardless
We'll only do it for a while
We'll carry on straight down the line
Down the road to nowhere
Do you know where it is leading us
And do we even wanna go there


Excuse me, sir
But is this what they call denial
Just to carry on regardless
We'll only do it for a while
We'll carry on straight down the line
Down the road to nowhere
Do you know where it is leading us
And do we even wanna go there

*Kabul = 喀布爾(阿富汗首都)

02.Fag Hag - Lily Allen

I like apple pie
And you like banoffee
We both love shopping for furniture
And meeting for coffee
We pretend we're into art galleries
'Cause it makes us feel clever
We're both in our element when we're on our knees
Whatever the weather

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

We don't give a fuck
What people are thinking
I know you'll always look out for me
When we go out drinking
I can ask you things I can't ask anyone
And you'll give me direction
Apart from me, you're the only other person I know
Who reads the travel section
Be my gay

*Fag hag = 喜歡與Gay朋友們一起出去閒晃瞎拼,自己本身非Gay。
*banoffee = banana + Toffee = 香蕉太妃派

‧風格偶像、搞怪性感、時尚流行、不羈前衛、特例獨行… 音樂就是有態度!
‧全美音樂鬼才Greg Kurstin再度合作,解剖荒誕兩性政治與社會現實、激盪全新節奏風格!
‧收錄全球樂評一致叫好、從自身經驗出發首支諷世單曲〈The Fear〉及〈Fuck You〉、〈Not Fair〉、〈22〉...等。

從流行旋風、女生代言人、時尚設計與風格偶像、限制級的性感搞怪、MySpace部落格女王,再到狗仔隊獵物與排行小公主...等等,這些都是莉莉艾倫Lily Allen的稱號。

2006年開始,莉莉艾倫以〈Smile〉(UK#1)、〈LDN〉(UK#6)、〈Littlest Things〉(UK#21)、〈Alfie / Shame for You〉(UK#15)等單曲,震撼英國流行樂壇。在她光鮮亮麗與天真無邪的外表下,莉莉艾倫卻將個人自傳與對社會病態的寫實觀察,大辣辣地化為歌詞與旋律,不斷挑戰每個保守世代的感官神經。率真卻又刻薄、元氣十足中又帶點冷嘲熱諷,讓她首張專輯《好膽ㄇㄞˋ走Alright, Still》光在英國便勇破六白金銷售、並勇奪全英音樂獎五項提名!此外,首張專輯更勇闖大西洋另一岸,高掛全美告示牌Billboard流行專輯榜前 20名。就在首張專輯全球累計銷售大破250萬張之際,卻也為排行小公主,引來無數的後輩抄襲和狗仔中傷。

然而,這兩年多來的惡意中傷與仇恨攻擊,卻也成為莉莉艾倫新輯《干我屁事It's Not Me, It's You》製作的最佳靈感,她說:「我發現要寫些無所事事的歌曲還真難!」「我試著寫一些跟我的人生有關的東西,而我的人生偏偏就是很奇怪與荒誕不經。但我也相信這些人生遭遇,也普遍存在每個人的生活裡。」在這張耗時一年多創作錄製的全新專輯裡,莉莉艾倫再度和全美音樂鬼才葛瑞格克斯汀Greg Kurstin合作,激盪出更跳與更加成熟的全新節奏風格!

新專輯《It's Not Me, It's You》延續莉莉艾倫引人發噱的歌詞特質與顛覆觀點,再度解剖玩味現今社會裡的荒誕不經!在聽似跳躍快樂的節奏旋律裡,莉莉艾倫將她的筆觸擴及諸多議題,包括:諷刺上流社會中、狗仔傳媒與名人間交互消費的首支單曲〈The Fear〉,大賞種族主義與性別保守者兩大耳光的爆笑作品〈Fuck You〉,大書特書社會黑暗現實與性別失衡的作品〈22〉、火辣直言毒品「普及」各世代的作品〈Everyone's At It〉、好奇上帝每日無事作為的作品〈Him〉、探討鑰匙兒童與電視晚餐的作品〈Chinese〉,諷刺男人自大卻又早洩、遭逢情變卻又拒絕認清的兩首話題作品〈Not Fair〉與〈Never Gonna Happen〉,以及討論少女過早浪漫情懷的作品〈Who'd Have Known〉...等。



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