
Susan Boyle: I Dreamed A Dream - Britain's Got Talent 2009(可惜~屈居第2名)

在YouTube上以音樂劇悲慘世界中的一曲「我做了一個夢」(I Dreamed A Dream)而受到全世界矚目的蘇格蘭歌手蘇珊.鮑以爾(Susan Boyle),今天晚間在曾使她一曲而紅的歌唱節目「英國有人才」(Brtain's Got Talent)決賽時僅獲得第2名。

唉~輸了沒關係啦,誰叫唱歌與舞蹈一起評比= =

Susan Boyle performing "Memory" from the musical "Cats" Semi-Final of Britain's Got Talent.

Boyle's in the brown stuff(蘇珊~染髮大變身?!)
Susan Boyle
The 48-year-old singer, whose frumpy looks and golden voice captivated the nation on TV, spent 90 minutes sprucing up her image at a salon near her home. (From Sum週報)

susan boyle makeover
A source said: "Susan went for a chestnut colour. Her hairdresser did not want to make any huge changes and said she'd prefer to work with what Susan has already got. She was in the shop on Tuesday to get her eyebrows done and was just the same as always. She's not changed at all."
One local said: "It's really good that Susan decided to keep using this place. She has a wonderful talent - but it's fabulous to see that she's still so down-to-earth. She just had a wee makeover but she'll never go all Hollywood on us."Susan Boyle 忠實粉絲網
英國SUM周報今天報出Susan Boyle於英國星光秀兩星期之後,花了50美金去附近髮廊染了棕色頭髮,圖個大變身~~我覺得跟之前一頭灰白頭髮來看,染髮彷彿年輕了十歲,也看起來比較有活力。

Susan Boyle有新歌了~My Heart Will Go On(原唱是席琳狄翁Celine Dion)

New song from Susan Boyle

女版的保羅帕茲(Paul Potts)The Biggest Shock Of Your Life

Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 (請注意麻辣評審表情~像被鬼打到!)

外表老氣的蘇珊站上英國獨立電視台「英國有人才」(Britain's Got Talent)節目的舞台時,引起一陣竊笑。她說,她的夢想是要成為像倫敦音樂劇明星伊蓮.佩姬(Elaine Paige)那樣的歌手。

住在蘇格蘭的蘇珊.鮑以爾(Susan Boyle)目前失業在家,僅在教會擔任志工,她以灰白的短捲髮,和「中廣」的身材亮相,日前參加才藝比賽節目「英國有人才」(Britain's Got Talent)時,無人看好,直到她開口高歌知名音樂劇「悲慘世界」(Les Miserables)的名曲「我曾有夢」(I Dreamed A Dream),歌聲「艷驚四座」。

以音樂翹楚高維爾(Simon Cowell)為首的三人評審小組露出驚訝的表情,格拉斯哥(Glasgow)現場的觀眾都起立致敬。評審之一莫甘(Piers Morgan)說:「毫無疑問,這是我參與選秀節目三年以來最令人驚訝的事。」他也承認,在蘇珊開始演唱之前,「每個人都在笑你」。莫甘說:「現在沒人在笑了。真是讓人吃驚!」

蘇珊來自西洛錫安(West Lothian),她說自己沒有約會或接吻的經驗。目前她被看好可以贏得選秀比賽,人們把她跟2007年演唱歌劇名曲勝出的手機銷售員波茲(Paul Potts)相提並論。


Susan Boyle 忠實粉絲網

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