
Lily Allen - 22

When she was 22 the future looked bright
But she's nearly 30 now and she's out every night
I see that look in her face she's got that look in her eye
She's thinking how did I get here and wondering why

It's sad but it's true how society says
Her life is already over
There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say
Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up and puts her over his shoulder
It seems so unlikely in this day and age

She's got an alright job but it's not a career
Wherever she thinks about it, it brings her to tears
Cause all she wants is a boyfriend
She gets one-night stands
She's thinking how did I get here
I'm doing all that I can

It's sad but it's true how society says
Her life is already over
There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say
Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up and puts her over his shoulder
It seems so unlikely in this day and age

It's sad but it's true how society says
Her life is already over
There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say
Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up and puts her over his shoulder
It seems so unlikely in this day and age


lily allen
「英國嗆辣排行小公主」莉莉艾倫Lily Allen馬不停蹄的全球巡演與夏日音樂祭走透透的最大收穫,除了和全世界的歌迷做最近距離的接觸之外,莫過於終於擺脫昔日BABYFAT,她在新歌〈22〉音樂錄影帶中大方露美背、展示瘦身佳績!和眾多貌似模特兒的美女們穿梭在PUB洗手間補妝區的她,畫著當季最IN的煙燻裝、穿著黑色露肩晚禮服,尖尖的下巴唱著她對時下「輕熟女」工作與戀愛觀的觀察:「她有一份談不算上是事業的工作/每當她想起都不禁淚眼滿眶/她只想要一個男友/一夜情的戲碼卻不斷上演/她正思索著 我為何在這裡 /我正竭盡所能來幫助她…」,這支音樂錄影帶台灣地區也將在7/23(四)YAHOO!奇摩音樂網路首播!而當天(7/23)MTV音樂頻道也將同時首播莉莉艾倫另一支在巴黎拍攝的超有創意音樂錄影帶〈去X的Fxck You〉!敬請鎖定。8月號Taipei Walker也將獨家贈送超限量的〈22〉英國進口單曲、只送不賣唷!

第二張專輯《干我屁事It’s Not Me, It’s You》因為莉莉艾倫一步一腳印的全球走透透、唱片銷售開出紅盤,2009年的夏天莉莉艾倫一刻也不得閒,七月初莉莉艾倫已經在包括英國、丹麥、比利時、瑞士等國家開唱,上週才結束浩浩蕩蕩的蘇格蘭年度音樂盛事-「T In The Park音樂祭」!英國每日郵報報導:「24歲的莉莉艾倫身穿豹紋的‘BJ單身日記女主角型’的大內褲以及閃亮亮的褲襪,在音樂祭上高歌包括讓她一炮而紅的成名曲〈Smile〉、第二張專輯首波主打〈沒在怕The Fear〉和〈Oh My God〉等歌。」

向來有話直說的莉莉艾倫,在演唱間則是不忘和歌迷分享性感小秘訣和打算在音樂祭後好好喝一杯的計畫,她講到:「我必須要很坦白的跟你們說,我已經兩個禮拜沒有停過的一直表演了,這場結束後我要放自己三天大假、瘋狂一下,所以今天就像是放暑假前的最後一天上課日!」;今年陣容堅強的三天「T In The Park音樂祭」包括有布勒合唱團Blur、寵物店男孩Pet Shop Boys、凱蒂佩芮Katy Perry、卡卡女神Lady GaGa、基音樂團Keane、雪警合唱團Snow Patrol、肘合唱團Elbow…等A咖藝人樂團參予這場盛事!之前和她隔海嗆聲的「同門師妹」凱蒂佩芮則是穿著代表「蘇格蘭」的紅黑相間格子性感洋裝與歌迷搖滾熱唱!莉莉和凱蒂兩人並未同台。

*7/23(四)MTV音樂頻道首播「英國嗆辣排行小公主」莉莉艾倫Lily Allen在巴黎拍攝的超有創意音樂錄影帶〈去X的Fxck You〉!展現瘦身美背+煙燻裝的新歌〈22〉音樂錄影帶YAHOO!奇摩音樂網路首播!敬請鎖定。
*第二張專輯《干我屁事It’s Not Me, It’s You》全台持續熱賣中!


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