歌手:Linsay Price
歌曲:Someone Like Me
I'm looking at all the time thats gone.
It seems that i cant say
Of all the things that i have done wrong
I wish that i could change.
I hear you say it doesnt really matter.
Hold on to me and in the end you'll see.
When all your days go wrong
It's all right
I'll never stop trying.
When all your tears have gone
Could you ever really love someone like me?
Verse 2
It wears me out to see what i have done
And try to make it right.
Tears me up all the little things
That i can never bring to you.
Its true you see it always really matters.
Hold on well try and in the end youll see.
When all your days go wrong
It's all right
I'll never stop trying.
When all your tears have gone
Could you ever really love someone like me?
And when i say that i dont give a damn,
That you were never there,
That i, I never tried,
All the times that i cried
I never really cared for you.
Not true.
When all your days go wrong
It's all right
I'll never stop trying.
When all your tears have gone
Could you ever really love someone like me?
Never really love someone?
Ever really love someone . . .
Lipstick Jungle可能鮮少人知道,這部影集是由美國超紅影集-慾望城市作者Candace Bushnell(甘蒂斯.布希奈爾)所寫的第二本書(第一本是慾望城市),描寫大都會職場女性的故事,不管是工作、婚姻、感情每部分都描寫的淋漓盡致,非常好看,我超喜歡Victory Ford(Linsay Price所飾),因為超漂亮的~~讓我眼睛為之一亮,她所扮演的角色也是很符合她的調調,其他兩人也是,不知道導演當初是如何找人的。
Linsay Price在劇中扮演的是知名服裝設計師Victory Ford,人如其名非常漂亮一直想追求勝利,不喜歡輸的感覺(尤其是工作)在年度服裝設計展時被批評舊瓶裝新酒、毫無新意,從此事業一落千丈,但有兩位好友的支持,才又慢慢恢復信心;感情方面從不固定,直到遇見有趣的花花年輕富豪,感情糾纏至極,一連串爆笑揪心痛的感情就此展開,但此劇重點是關於女生朋友們的互相扶持,分享快樂分擔憂愁,雖有時互揭瘡疤,但看似脆弱的友情卻又那個堅強固實,實讓人有著深刻感動。
Linsay Price(琳賽.伯萊斯)1976年出生於加州阿卡狄亞,她的母親是韓國人,父親是德國-愛爾蘭混血兒,家中還有一個哥哥和一個妹妹,琳賽畢業於加州Pasadena藝術學院,她的演藝事業開始於為Toys-R-Us公司獻唱的廣告歌曲。2000年她又為美版劇集"冤家成雙對"演唱主題歌"Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps",2004年與編劇兼製作人Shawn Piller結婚。