以嗆辣毒舌的直率作風聞名的英國「排行小公主」莉莉艾倫(Lily Allen),與同門師妹凱蒂佩芮(Katy Perry)槓上了,她在網路設了兩個論壇「砲轟」凱蒂,讓英國太陽報不得不在報導中揶揄「有那麼嚴重嗎?」
據了解,莉莉艾倫因凱蒂佩芮先前罵她是「倫敦小胖妹」,而懷恨於心,忍無可忍的莉莉,親自在網路上開了兩個社群,一個是「我討厭凱蒂佩芮和她那首XXOO的(I hate Katy Perry and her dumb-ass song I Kissed A Girl)」,另一個是「凱蒂佩芮?她以為她是誰啊?(Katy Perry? Who in the hell does she think she is??)」讓英國太陽報記者都看不下去,開玩笑地在報導中,對這兩個女歌手說「冷靜點!事情沒那麼大條吧!」 (摘自NowNews 2009/01/08)
只能說 "很好笑"~~尤其是倫敦小胖妹這句 = =
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左邊是Katy Perry, 右為Lily Allen
Katy Perry apologizes for calling Lily Allen fat(12/09, 2008 )
Katy Perry is apologizing to Lily Allen after saying that she is a skinnier version of her. I figured this was coming, since Lily is the bigger artist.
Katy says, “Yeah, I made a joke about that earlier this year. I was just kind of joking and trying to be funny. I didn’t mean anything by it. Comedians are not necessarily to be taken super seriously.”
So by her own admission, she’s a comedian now? I was not aware of that. She sounded like a one hit wonder to me, so far. Whereas, Lily has actually had a couple of songs that I actually liked.
I have to ask again, where’s the apology to Amy Winehouse? She doesn’t even compare in regard to vocal talent. Have you heard Katy Perry sing live yet? It’s horrendous and it makes her recorded music sound like all she uses is a vocoder.
Katy Perry在罵完Lily之後有公開道歉,但是Lily不領情反而公開砲轟Katy,想想真是很有趣,因為莉莉艾倫真的是忽胖忽瘦,一會兒懷孕,一會兒失戀暴飲暴食,要出新專輯時才在努力減肥,然後竟然被身材姣好的師妹說她"胖",當然火冒三丈砲轟回去。