來自英國搖滾音樂重鎮Manchester曼徹斯特~就是要聽Ting Tings
The ting tings - That's not my name(2008歐洲音樂大獎表演歌曲)
Four letter word just to get me along
It's a difficulty and I'm biting on my tongue and I
I keep stalling, keeping me together
People around gotta find something to say now
Holding back, everyday the same
Don't wanna be a loner
Listen to me, oh no
I never say anything at all
But with nothing to consider they forget my name
(ame, ame, ame)
They call me 'hell'
They call me 'Stacey'
They call me 'her'
They call me 'Jane'
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
They call me 'quiet'
But I'm a riot
Always the same
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
I miss the catch if they through me the ball
I'm the last kid standing up against the wall
Keep up, falling, these heels they keep me boring
Getting glammed up and sitting on the fence now
So alone all the time at night
Lock myself away
Listen to me, I'm not
Although I'm dressed up, out and all with
Everything considered they forget my name
(ame, ame, ame)
Are you calling me darling?
Are you calling me bird?
Are you calling me darling?
Are you calling me bird?
The Ting Tings - Shut Up And Let Me Go(2008MTV最佳音樂錄影帶)
Shut up and let me go
This hurts, I tell you so
For the last time will kiss my lips
Now shut up and let me go!
Your jeans were once so clean, I bet you changed your wardrobe since we met
Now oh so easily your over me
Gone is love
It's you that ought to be holding me
I'm not containable
This turns up it's sustainable.
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
Shut up and let me go, hey!
Shut up and let me go
This hurts, but I can't show
For the last time you had me on bits
Now shut up and let me go
For fear of leaving in regret I changed this one when we first met
Now oh so easily your over me
Gone is love
It's me that ought to be moving on
You're not adorable
I was something unignorable.
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin', I ain't fakin' this
Shut up and let me go, hey!
Oh, love, hold, this.
Shut up and let me go
This hurts, I told you so
For the last time you will kiss my lips
Now shut up and let me go, hey!
The Ting Tings由可愛的Katie White (Vocal / Guitar /Bass)及音樂創作者 Jules De Martino(Drums / Guitar)。
「Great DJ」「Shut Up And Let Me Go」還被選為女郎我最兔(The House Bunny)2008年喜劇電影原聲帶,有點啦啦隊搖滾風加一點POP的感覺,Katie聲音很高但不刺耳,聽聽還有點像Pink的唱腔~整體來說很適合放在車上邊吹著風聆聽。
在一次偶然的創作中誕生的作品“Great DJ”成為了The Ting Tings第一首廣受歡迎的作品。後來The Ting Tings將自己的另一首作品“That's Not My Name”和“Great DJ”收錄在一起發行了樂隊的第一張單曲〈Great DJ〉,由於經費的緊張,這張單曲只印製了500張,結果首批發行很快就銷售一空,並且這張單曲在英國的限量發行版也登上了NME(英國著名音樂雜誌)的“本周單曲”;而The Ting Tings掛在Myspace(www.myspace.com/thetingtings)上的作品也得到了廣泛的關注,被MySpace註冊成員流覽超過170萬次。
在獨立音樂界的成功使The Ting Tings開始得到主流音樂界的注目:他們被BBC評為 “2008年十大必看”榜單中的第三名,在BBC一年一度的音樂調查“2008的聲音”中這樣評論到:“他們現在已經成為了獨立音樂團體中最可靠和最受讚譽的一隊。”
之後他們又得到SONY BMG旗下Columbia唱片的賞識,並與其簽約。隨後The Ting Tings帶著他們的音樂開始登陸美國,沿著美國的海岸開始一系列的巡演;之後樂隊的第一張大碟《We Started Nothing》也隨即誕生。
音樂上的成功也使The Ting Tings得到一些知名品牌的青睞:在紐約時尚周樂隊演出過程中,Betsey Johnson和 Dolce & Gabbana等品牌都使用樂隊的“That's Not My Name”作為走秀的背景音樂;而2008年4月,蘋果也在iPod + iTunes的廣告中使用了The Ting Tings樂隊的“Shut Up and Let Me Go”,這首歌其實是對之前唱片公司解約的諷刺之歌。
“我們從來沒有想過這些事情的發生,”樂隊成員Katie說,“我想這正是這些事情發生的原因。因為我們很放鬆,我們只為自己做音樂,不為其他什麼人。我們只寫我們喜歡的歌。一切進展得都很順利,我不知道這對我們意味著什麼。我們只是隨風而行。我們並沒有什麼事先的準備,我們也從來沒有坐下來研究什麼戰鬥計畫,我們就走到了現在。”(以上摘自The Ting Tings Myspace)
The BRIT Awards 2009(全英音樂大獎)The Ting Tings & Estelle
The Ting Tings入圍British Breakthrough Act (英國最具突破性表現獎),可惜沒得獎...大獎被英國超強歌手Duffy抱走了~沒關係~音樂備受肯定就好了,反正得獎機會多得是,哈哈。
- Mar 22 Sun 2009 23:38
The Ting Tings(聽聽樂團)