英國「每日電訊報」(Daily Telepgraph)網站今天報導,這兩隻分別為一個老頭和一個小女孩的鬼,是專家在這名男子家中驅魔時抓到的,現在被密封在一個聖水瓶中。
梅文說,其中一隻鬼名叫葛蘭姆(Les Graham),1920年代死在這棟房子裡。另一隻則是他和伴侶愚蠢的使用招靈板Ouija時招來的。這隻小女鬼喜歡移動物品。
TWO CAPTURED GHOSTS (From http://www.trademe.co.nz)
Captured ghosts from our house
Captured by an exorsist from a spiritualist church
one spirit we believe is a man by the name of Les Graham, managed to track down a photo. He died in the house in the 1920's.
Exorsist believes this spirit likes to make himself known and spook people. but he is not a very strong spirit.
The other spirit came from when me and my partner stupidly did an Oujia Board. We believe it is a little girl who likes to move things and turn things on and off. Exorsist says she is VERY strong and if left will get stronger.
We have had no activity since they were bottled on July 15th 2009 . So i believe they are in the bottles.
They are bottled with holy water as aparantly the water dulls the spirits energy, sort of puts them to sleep.
To revive the spirit, i have been told that you pour into a little dish and let it evaporate into your house.
I just want to get rid of them as they scare me. But someone might like these to play with.
So if you like ghosts, heres two real ones!
如果你喜歡鬼魂,這裡就有兩隻 >> 這句也太酷了吧~沙必思唷
- Mar 08 Mon 2010 01:10
傳說中的阿飄?~~紐西蘭男子網拍惡鬼 男女各一