
Maike Von Bremen 來自德國柏林,2005發行首張英語專輯,資料不詳(偶看不懂德文)
Maike Von Bremen_German

2005 Album
濃濃法式慵懶唱腔...讓我聯想到Norah Jones迷人唱腔如此震懾人心。

Maike von Bremen - Closer (album samples)

Maike von Bremen - More Than This

I try to wipe away the tears.
I try to wipe away the years, IA’m crying - for you.
I try to walk away from you, I try to cut my life from yours, IA’m trying - to do.

More than this.
More than all that I could give.
I keep crying. (I keep cry,cry,cry,cry...)

More than this.
More than all that I could give.
more than everything I did.
I keep crying.
I keep crying.

I can’t believe the things youA’ve done.
I can’t believe that you are gone.
I’m crying - for you.
I couldn’t stay far away, you learn I walk my own way, I’m trying - to do.

More than this.
More than all that I could give.
More than everything I did.
I keep crying.
I keep crying.

Like the pain you serve and flown.
I turn away and I gone.
Beg at all the Love you took from me.
I will fake the thing in Love.
Find mistakes, on my own, and leave the place that I call my.

More than this...
More than this. (more than this)
More than all that I could give. (more than this)
More than everything I did. (more than this)
I keep crying. (crying)
I keep crying. (crying)

1. More Than This
  2. Gone
  3. I Don't Mind
  4. Dj
  5. Charity
  6. Rain On Me
  7. Can't Forget
  8. Come Closer
  9. Miss Myself In You
  10. Nothing Without You
  11. Destiny
  12. Come Back
  13. More Than This(Mix)


Marienhof是德國超長壽肥皂劇,從1992年就每日開始播放(跟民視XX人生有得比),Maike Von Bremen飾演Juliette(法國人),是到第三季後才出現,像巴黎時尚人士般神秘悄然出現,帶來了美味無比的巧克力(praline),然後在因緣際會下在麵包店裡賣起巧克力,並愛上了麵包店的老闆娘-Kerstin,但Kerstin已經有男朋友Raul,但情感糾結在Juliette身上,錯綜複雜的三角感情讓我們觀眾內心糾結再糾結,最後茱麗葉到底是否能修成正果呢?? 自己去看吧~youtube打上Kerstin and Juliette就可以看到她們的故事。
Hi~~Chocolate or Me(開玩笑的~哈)

Kerstin & Juliette
Kerstin & Juliette (兩位女主角都超漂亮的~)

Marienhof 女主角們獲獎訪問~~還有揭曉完美結局...

Kerstin & Juliette leave the Spain

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    創作者 Jessie 的頭像


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