我最愛的Avril Lavigne終於復出了~~感動灑花灑花XD
久等四年,艾薇兒新歌已在全球首播〈What The Hell〉,她絲毫未受失婚影響,不僅玩弄MV男主角於股掌間,更在歌詞裡高唱「管它去」,盡情享受重回單身自由的快樂時光。MV一開始就穿起性感內衣上演「床戲」,大展姣好身材,讓等待四年的粉絲大噴鼻血。
艾薇兒興奮地向MTV台表示:「能重回樂壇讓我超嗨的!我等不及看看所有粉絲和樂壇的改變,沒想到現在數位下載這麼好,真是它X的讓人興奮!」這次艾薇兒在MV中更是「瘋狂」使壞,除了她招牌率性的耍酷本性,先是不忘在MV中狂噴自己推出的兩款香氛系列「Black Star」和「Forbidden Rose」,接著更是撞車、鬧場樣樣來,MV男友就是飆騎單車也追不上;她在大賣場裡挑選自家品牌服裝更耍大牌不付錢!就連艾薇兒老媽都在MV中客串一角,扮起賣場女店員和女兒一起在MV中過足戲癮。
穿上自製「WTH」創意品牌短Tee,艾薇兒躍上舞台高唱〈What The Hell〉,更讓這首MV以3D特效錄製的版本,多了身如其境的感受,艾薇兒說道:「戴上3D眼鏡看MV,感覺真好像在我的演唱會現場,這實在是酷斃了!」
全新專輯《Goodbye Lullaby》全球暫訂3月8日發行。
艾薇兒最新專輯【Goodbye Lullaby】首發單曲 What The Hell,將在跨年與全球歌迷同步迎接2011,艾薇兒也將同時在 ABC 電視台的紐約跨年晚會「Dick Clark 跨年秀」中,獻上新歌 What The Hell 的首播。屆時艾薇兒的 facebook 將提供自2011年1月1日起48小時免費限時下載 What The Hell 單曲,全新專輯也已確定在2011年3月8日發行。
Canadian singer-songwriter Avril Lavigne is getting ready to release her fourth studio album "Goodbye Lullaby" on March 8th! It's been about four years since the release of "The Best Damn Thing" which was released in 07'. Here we have the first official single titled "What The Hell" which just premiered today! The upbeat pop/rock track is produced by Max Martin with writing credits from Lavigne and Shellback ("DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love" & "Raise Your Glass"). A video for the single has already been shot and will be premiering later this month.
Avril 自從第一張專輯Don't let me go,我就深深愛上她獨特具有爆發力的嗓音~Rock
Avril Lavigne - What The Hell lyrics
You fooled me
Oh way too many times
You made me believe you were
Actually reliable
You put me
Through shit and now I'm done
With you
To hell with you!
Oh no, I don't buy you
Oh no, I don't trust you
I don't need you
I'm so complete
All you do is to hell around
Whoa, I'm thinking what the hell?
All I want is to mess around
And I don't care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can't save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
Whoa, what the hell?
What? What? What? What the hell?
So, you don't like me
I believed you
When you told me
"Avril, you're so special,
And I need you, I'll never leave"
And then you locked me up
And covered me up with your lies
I couldn't breathe anymore
To hell with you!
Oh no, I don't buy you
Oh no, I don't trust you
I don't need you
I'm so complete
All you do is to hell around
Whoa, I'm thinking what the hell?
All I want is to mess around
And I don't care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can't save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
Whoa, what the hell?
Get your stuff
Make your way right out of here
I'm so done
With this fuckery
Out! Now!
All you do is to hell around
Whoa, I'm thinking what the hell?
All I want is to mess around
Whoa, and I don't care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can't save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
Whoa, what the hell?
Whoa, whoa, whoa
If you love me
If you hate me
You can't save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
Whoa, what the hell?
- Jan 28 Fri 2011 10:37
Avril Lavigne - What The Hell (甩開包袱管它去重回歌壇~2011復出新單曲)