Jessie J

被英國BBC票選為Sound Of 2011第一名~Jessie J (英國比莉姐~XD誰取的?真是太有才了~人家是英國版Lady GAGA)

廢話的吼一下~~整張專輯真是太好聽了!!!!!(整張都是Jessie J自己創作的歌曲)
硬是擠下Lady Gaga讓飲恨屈居第三名....實力不容小覷XD

寫給人家唱,不如自己唱。Jessie J難怪被稱為"創作型天才歌手"
像是專輯曲目Price Tag, 琅琅上口的旋律不免跟著RAP一下~內容描寫金錢非萬能,快樂過日子比較重要
【Do It Like a Dude】描寫男性自尊心~很有趣XD

最近鬧得沸沸揚揚的"霸凌"~【Who's laughing now】這首歌就是在描寫霸凌,校園霸凌是不好的,但換個角度想想可以培養小孩勇敢面對霸凌,將這種負面力量轉換成正向讓你向上的力量,當個溫室的花朵不如放在室外接受風吹雨打,培養堅強獨立的個性學習待人處道之事。反而感謝這些人讓你有積極向上的力量。(想當初在學校被欺負時,忍耐+保持樂觀+以後不要變成這種爛人的想法讓我平安度過難捱的日子)

一張專輯揉合中高低音電音狂野RAP 還可以邊唱邊Remix 唱現場超屌!完全不用對嘴 不用DJ瞬間炒熱現場氣氛~


01. Price Tag - Feat. B.o.B
02. Nobody's Perfect
03. Abracadabra
04. Big White Room (Live)
05. Casualty of Love
06. Rainbow
07. Who's Laughing Now
08. Do It Like a Dude
09. Mamma Knows Best
10. L.O.V.E.
11. Stand Up
12. I Need This
13. Who You Are
14. Price Tag (Acoustic Version)
15. Do It Like a Dude (Acoustic Version)
16. Who You Are (Live Acoustic Version)

jessie j who you are

尚未正式發片,率先風光抱回全英音樂獎「樂評票選最具潛力新人」榮耀、登上BBC「Sound Of 2011」首位,連最型潮男Justin Timberlake也出聲褒揚:「地球上現今最讚的歌手!」公開雙性戀傾向、絕對忠於自我個性的Jessie J,不僅在英倫大受歡迎,就連美國也領教了這位才女的高超創作能力,除了寫出人氣小天后Miley Cyrus的亞軍曲“Party In The U.S.A.”之外,實力偶像Rihanna、Justin Timberlake、Alicia Keys、Christina Aguilera…等,也紛紛排隊向Jessie邀歌。

本名Jessica Ellen Cornish的Jessie,曾演出百老匯創作巨擘Andrew Lloyd Webber改編的「微風輕哨」。17歲時,因優異的演唱功力,加入一個女子組合,並持續在樂壇有所動作。終於和Gut Records牽上線,公司卻在作品出版前無預警倒閉!退居幕後的Jessie,找尋到創作的一片天,陸續作嫁於暢銷歌手的專輯裡頭。08年受邀百變歌姬 Cyndi Lauper的「Bring Ya To The Brink Tour」巡演擔任合音天使,仍然想走上台前的Jessie,在累積多首好歌的加持下,進入環球旗下,努力打造個人首張處女秀【Who You Are】。

請到陣容堅強的製作群:Dr. Luke (Leona Lewis、Katy Perry)+Toby Gad (Fergie、Beyonce)+The Invisible Men (Sugababes、Girls Aloud)+Oak(Jennifer Hudson、Chris Brown)合力操盤,AMG四星近滿分力捧:「全球市場終於等到豐沛才情足以和碧昂絲及Lady Gaga相提並論的英國歌手!」開場曲“Price Tag”,有請快紅饒舌新生代B.o.B.獻藝助饒,完全順暢的R&B旋律,流竄些許雷鬼風情,已摘下英國金榜后冠;情緒轉折突顯的 “Nobody's Perfect”,包裹渲染力十足的嗓音魅力,令人愛不釋手,很有攻榜實力;都會抒情作“Casualty Of Love”,濃烈R&B線條下流露靈魂格調,輕易打動人心;色彩鮮明的“Rainbow”、“Who's Laughing Now”,踩著電子搖擺律動,全面進攻舞曲領域;原本打算寫給小天后Rihanna的“Do It Like A Dude”,率性狂野的辛辣感,驚動英倫直奔亞軍席次;復古靈魂的“Mamma Knows Best”,拓寬聆聽耳界。2011年千萬鎖定的首選星--Jessie J!

Jessie J - Price Tag

Seems like everybody’s got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the tale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious!
Acting so damn mysterious
You got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can’t even have a good time.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
Well pay them with love tonight…

It’s not about the money, money, money
We don’t need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag

Ain’t about the (ha) Ka-Ching Ka-Ching.
Ain’t about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

[Jessie J]
We need to take it back in time,
When music made us all UNITE!
And it wasn’t low blows and video Hoes,
Am I the only one gettin… tired?

Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can’t buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we’ll be feelin
All right.

Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
Well pay them with love tonight…


Yeah yeah
well, keep the price tag
and take the cash back
just give me six streams and a half stack
and you can keep the cars
leave me the garage
and all I..
yes all I need are keys and garage
and guess what, in 30 seconds I’m leaving to Mars
yes we leaving across these undefeatable odds
its like this man, you can’t put a price on life
we do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight
so we ain’t gon stumble and fall never
waiting to see, a sign of defeat uh uh
so we gon keep everyone moving there feet
so bring back the beat and everybody sing
it’s not about…

[Chorus x2]

[Jessie J - Outro]
Yeah yeah
forget about the price tag

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