瘋狂帽客 = 瘋狂掰咖(Mad House) Musical Episode
House.MD S7x15 "Bombshells"
House又來亂了~~雖說是Cuddy的三個怪夢之一(懷疑自己得到Cancer),連House都顯得緊張兮兮(最後敗給恐懼服下惟柯丁讓自己好過),所以Cuddy又跟House分手了...真是情路乖舛多加諸難~考驗觀眾XD(Kill the editor)
*The Original Singer. From the 1950 movie "Summer Stock"
Judy Garland - Get Happy
Forget your troubles
Come on get happy
You better chase all you cares away
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
Get ready for the judgement day
The sun is shining
Come on get happy
The lord is waiting to take your hand
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
We're going to the promise land
We're heading across the river
Wash your sins away in the tide
It's all so peaceful on the other side
Forget your troubles
Come on get happy
You better chase all you cares away
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
Get ready for the judgement day
Forget your troubles
Come on get happy
You better chase all you cares away
Come on get happy
For the judgement day
The sun is shining
Come on get happy
The lord is waiting to take your hand
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
We're going to the promise land
We're heading across the river
Wash your sins away in the tide
It's quiet and peaceful on the other side
Forget your troubles
Get happy
Your cares fly away
Shout halleluja
Get happy
Get ready for your judgement day
Come on get happy
Chase your cares away
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
Get ready for the judgement day
The sun is shining
Come on get happy
The lord is waiting to take your hand
Come on get happy
We're going to the promise land
We're heading across the river
Wash your sins away in the tide
It's all so peaceful on the other side
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
You better chase all your cares away
Shout halleluja
Come on get happy
Get ready
Get ready
Get ready
For the judgement day
- Apr 04 Mon 2011 15:11
Forget your Troubles,Come on get happy(豪斯醫生又來亂了~)